Who am I really when no one is around?

Discover Recovery! Life hurts, but God heals. We celebrate God's healing power in our lives through working the 12-Steps of recovery for life's hurts, hang-ups, habits, and addictions. We accept God's grace in solving our life problems. The program and classes at St. Mary's are Christian fellowship to grow in and to become strong. It is supportive, respectful, and confidential. St. Mary's is a place to learn and grow spiritually and find a turning point in your life. It is a safe haven and a caring community.
The program and classes are at St. Mary the Protectress Orthodox Community, 1000 South Michigan Street, Plymouth, Indiana. The times for the classes are: Sunday 2 pm; Tuesday 10 am; Tuesday 7 pm. There are also AA and NA meetings at the community.
All are welcome...those of faith and those without faith.
St. Mary's is a community for people who have given up on church. Our mission is to show all people the unconditional love and grace of Jesus without any reservations due to their lifestyle or religion, past or present. This love has no agenda behind it (Cor 13:5). This grace sets no time line or personal agenda or standard for spiritual growth (Rom 4:4-5) The idea is to be a part of people's lives because we truly care for them rather than to fulfill a religious duty; to walk with them through all their struggles as a part of their lives, not as a religious outsider. Religion is a false perception of holiness that focuses on law and kills the true message of Christ Jesus. Jesus loves you. Jesus heals you. We know He loves and heals us also. We have been just where you are today. Join us.
You can discover more about our programs by emailing us at monastery@synesius.com, or by calling the community at 574-540-2048.