Some of the beginnings

one those many claim as founding forces of new monasicism is John Skinner. He he talks about the beginnings.


one of the many comments of new monasticism is that they all seem far too long winded. Everything is coming from the mind and little if any from the soul and the heart. It is a waste of time to explain to someone how to pray. Just do it, and do it, and do it. Expect nothing. St. Macarius of Optina tells us, "Pray simple. Do not expect to find in your heart anf remarkable gift of prayer. Consider yourself unworthy of it. The you will find peace. Use the empty cold dryness of your prayer as food for your humility. Repeat constantly: I am no worthy; Lord I am not worthy! But say it calmy, without agitation." Perhap these new monastics should stop, go back to the Fathers, head their advice, and let their hearts be opened/

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