
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Archbishops

rayer Servuce for Kidnapped Archbishop

Folks keep asking us what kind of monastery is an intentional Christian community

Hospitality is one of the key components of St. Mary’s

Folks ask what mnastics do

Welcome -- Please join us

Abba John the Dwarf

Inner Light Productions: ST. JOHN THE DWARF - Teachings on Asceticism

Monastic Life in the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch by HH Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka.pdf

Monastic Life in the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch by His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas | Malankara Archdiocese of The Syrian Orthodox Church In North America

Orthodox Monk: Orthodox Monasticism 5 — Syrian Monasticism

On Pilgrimage with Saint Benedict (Part 4) – Red Letter Christians

On Pilgrimage with Saint Benedict (Part 3) – Red Letter Christians

On Pilgrimage with Saint Benedict (Part 2) – Red Letter Christians

On Pilgrimage with Saint Benedict (Part 1) – Red Letter Christians

Benedict in the Suburbs - Glory to God for All Things

We neeed your help

Coptic Orthodox Christianity Documentary


Bede Griffiths

How Should One Be Tested Before Becoming A Monk | The Voice Of Orthodoxy

Trapeza of the Cave

What Do We Mean By Death to the World

(8) Bulletin Board of St. Mary the Protectress Syriac Orthodox Community